
LUA Scripts

coredis supports the EVAL, EVALSHA, and SCRIPT commands. However, there are a number of edge cases that make these commands tedious to use in real world scenarios. Therefore, coredis exposes a Script class that makes scripting much easier to use.

To create a Script instance, use the register_script() function on a client instance passing the LUA code as the first argument. coredis.Redis.register_script() returns a Script instance that you can use throughout your code.

The following trivial LUA script accepts two parameters: the name of a key and a multiplier value. The script fetches the value stored in the key, multiplies it with the multiplier value and returns the result.

r = coredis.Redis()
lua = """
local value ='GET', KEYS[1])
value = tonumber(value)
return value * ARGV[1]"""
multiply = r.register_script(lua)

multiply is now a Script instance that is invoked by calling it like a function. Script instances accept the following optional arguments:

  • keys: A list of key names that the script will access. This becomes the KEYS list in LUA.

  • args: A list of argument values. This becomes the ARGV list in LUA.

  • client: A coredis Client or Pipeline instance that will invoke the script. If client isn’t specified, the client that initially created the coredis.commands.Script instance (the one that register_script() was invoked from) will be used.

Continuing the example from above:

await r.set('foo', 2)
await multiply(keys=['foo'], args=[5])
# 10

The value of key ‘foo’ is set to 2. When multiply is invoked, the ‘foo’ key is passed to the script along with the multiplier value of 5. LUA executes the script and returns the result, 10.

Script instances can be executed using a different client instance, even one that points to a completely different Redis server.

r2 = coredis.Redis('')
await r2.set('foo', 3)
multiply(keys=['foo'], args=[5], client=r2)
# 15

The Script object ensures that the LUA script is loaded into Redis’s script cache. In the event of a NOSCRIPT error, it will load the script and retry executing it.

Script instances can also be used in pipelines. The pipeline instance should be passed as the client argument when calling the script. Care is taken to ensure that the script is registered in Redis’s script cache just prior to pipeline execution.

pipe = await r.pipeline()
await pipe.set('foo', 5)
await multiply(keys=['foo'], args=[5], client=pipe)
await pipe.execute()
# [True, 25]

Library Functions

Starting with Redis version: 7.0 a more sophisticated approach to managing server side scripts is available through libraries and functions (See Redis functions. Instead of managing individual snippets of lua code, you can group related server side functions under a library. coredis exposes all function related redis commands through coredis.Redis and additionally provides an abstraction via the Library and Function classes.

The following mylib library will be used in the subsequent examples.

#!lua name=mylib

redis.register_function('echo', function(k, a)
    return a[1]
redis.register_function('ping', function()
    return "PONG"
redis.register_function('get', function(k, a)
    return"GET", k[1])
redis.register_function('hmmget', function(k, a)
    local values = {}
    local fields = {}
    local response = {}
    local i = 1
    local j = 1

    while a[i] do
        fields[j] = a[i]
        i = i + 2
        j = j + 1

    for idx, key in ipairs(k) do
        values ="HMGET", key, unpack(fields))
        for idx, value in ipairs(values) do
            if not response[idx] and value then
                response[idx] = value
    for idx, value in ipairs(fields) do
        if not response[idx] then
            response[idx] = a[idx*2]
    return response

Simple invocation

To register the library (assuming it is stored as a file at /var/tmp/library.lua), use the register_library() method (which also returns an instance of Library bound to the client and library code).:

client = coredis.Redis()
library = await client.register_library("mylib", open("/var/tmp/library.lua").read())


If a library with the same name had already been registered before, calling register_library() will raise an exception. If you want to force registering you can pass True to replace. Otherwise, a registered library can be loaded using the load_library() method as follows:

library = await client.load_library("mylib")

You can inspect the functions registered in the library by accessing the functions property:

# {b'echo': <coredis.commands.function.Function object at 0x110a3d670>,
# b'get': <coredis.commands.function.Function object at 0x1138f3a60>,
# b'hmget': <coredis.commands.function.Function object at 0x110abab20>,
# b'ping': <coredis.commands.function.Function object at 0x110845d30>}

And then invoke them (this internally calls the fcall() method):

await library["echo"]([], ["hello world"])
# b"hello world"
await library["ping"]([], [])
# b"ping"
await client.set("co", "redis")
await library["get"](["co"], [])
# b"redis"

Binding a library to a python class

Added in version 3.5.0.

Using the simple API as shown above gets the job done, but suffers from having an error prone interface to the underlying lua functions and would normally require mapping and validation before passing the keys and args to the function.

This can be better represented by subclassing Library and using the wraps() decorator to bind python signatures to redis functions.

Using the same example mylib lua library, this could be mapped to a python class as follows:

from typing import List
import coredis
from coredis.commands import Library
from coredis.typing import KeyT, ValueT

class MyLib(Library):
    NAME = "mylib"  # the name in the class variable is considered by the superclass constructor
    CODE = open("/var/tmp/library.lua").read()  # the code in the class variable is considered by the superclass constructor

    def echo(self, value: str) -> str: ...

    def ping(self) -> str: ...

    def get(self, key: KeyT) -> ValueT: ...

    def hmmget(self, *keys: KeyT, **fields_with_defaults: ValueT) -> List[ValueT]: ...
        Return values of ``fields_with_defaults`` on a first come first serve
        basis from the hashes at ``keys``. Since ``fields_with_defaults`` is a mapping
        the keys are mapped to hash fields and the values are used
        as defaults if they are not found in any of the hashes at ``keys``

The above example uses default arguments with wraps() to show what is possible by simply using the coredis.typing.KeyT annotation to map arguments of the decorated methods to keys and the remaining arguments as args. Refer to the API documentation of coredis.commands.Library.wraps() for details on how to customize the key/argument mapping behavior.

This can now be used as you would expect:

client = coredis.Redis()
lib = await MyLib(client, replace=True)
# b"pong"
await lib.echo("hello world")
# b"hello world"
await client.hset("k1", {"a": 10, "b": 20})
await client.hset("k2", {"c": 30, "d": 40})

await lib.hmmget("k1", "k2", a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6)
# [b"10", b"20", b"30", b"40", b"5", b"6"]