Connections & Connection Pooling

Connection Pools


class ConnectionPool(*, connection_class: Type[Connection] | None = None, max_connections: int | None = None, max_idle_time: int = 0, idle_check_interval: int = 1, **connection_kwargs: Any | None)[source]

Generic connection pool

Creates a connection pool. If max_connections is set, then this object raises ConnectionError when the pool’s limit is reached.

By default, TCP connections are created connection_class is specified. Use UnixDomainSocketConnection for unix sockets.

Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the constructor of connection_class.

URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS: ClassVar[dict[str, Callable[[...], int | float | bool | str | None]]] = {'client_name': <class 'str'>, 'connect_timeout': <class 'float'>, 'idle_check_interval': <class 'int'>, 'max_connections': <class 'int'>, 'max_idle_time': <class 'int'>, 'noevict': <class 'bool'>, 'noreply': <class 'bool'>, 'notouch': <class 'bool'>, 'protocol_version': <class 'int'>, 'stream_timeout': <class 'float'>}

Mapping of querystring arguments to their parser functions

classmethod from_url(url: str, db: int | None = None, decode_components: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) _CPT[source]

Returns a connection pool configured from the given URL.

For example:

  • redis://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • rediss://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • unix://[:password]@/path/to/socket.sock?db=0

Three URL schemes are supported:

  • redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection

  • rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection

  • unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function will return the first specified option:

  • A db querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0

  • If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g. redis://localhost/0

  • The db argument to this function.

If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

The decode_components argument allows this function to work with percent-encoded URLs. If this argument is set to True all %xx escapes will be replaced by their single-character equivalents after the URL has been parsed. This only applies to the hostname, path, and password components. See URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS for a comprehensive mapping of querystring parameters to how they are parsed.

Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be passed along to the class constructor. The querystring arguments connect_timeout and stream_timeout if supplied are parsed as float values.


In the case of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.

async get_connection(command_name: bytes | None = None, *args: ValueT, acquire: bool = True, **kwargs: ValueT | None) Connection[source]

Gets a connection from the pool

release(connection: Connection) None[source]

Releases the connection back to the pool

disconnect() None[source]

Closes all connections in the pool

class BlockingConnectionPool(connection_class: Type[Connection] | None = None, queue_class: Type[Queue[Connection | None]] = asyncio.LifoQueue, max_connections: int | None = None, timeout: int = 20, max_idle_time: int = 0, idle_check_interval: int = 1, **connection_kwargs: ValueT | None)[source]

Bases: ConnectionPool

Blocking connection pool:

>>> from coredis import Redis
>>> client = Redis(connection_pool=BlockingConnectionPool())

It performs the same function as the default ConnectionPool, in that, it maintains a pool of reusable connections that can be shared by multiple redis clients.

The difference is that, in the event that a client tries to get a connection from the pool when all of the connections are in use, rather than raising a ConnectionError (as the default ConnectionPool implementation does), it makes the client blocks for a specified number of seconds until a connection becomes available.

Use max_connections to increase / decrease the pool size:

>>> pool = BlockingConnectionPool(max_connections=10)

Use timeout to tell it either how many seconds to wait for a connection to become available, or to block forever:

>>> # Block forever.
>>> pool = BlockingConnectionPool(timeout=None)
>>> # Raise a ``ConnectionError`` after five seconds if a connection is
>>> # not available.
>>> pool = BlockingConnectionPool(timeout=5)

Creates a connection pool. If max_connections is set, then this object raises ConnectionError when the pool’s limit is reached.

By default, TCP connections are created connection_class is specified. Use UnixDomainSocketConnection for unix sockets.

Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the constructor of connection_class.

async get_connection(command_name: bytes | None = None, *args: ValueT, acquire: bool = True, **kwargs: ValueT | None) Connection[source]

Gets a connection from the pool

release(connection: Connection) None[source]

Releases the connection back to the pool

disconnect() None[source]

Closes all connections in the pool

URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS: ClassVar[dict[str, Callable[[...], int | float | bool | str | None]]] = {'client_name': <class 'str'>, 'connect_timeout': <class 'float'>, 'idle_check_interval': <class 'int'>, 'max_connections': <class 'int'>, 'max_idle_time': <class 'int'>, 'noevict': <class 'bool'>, 'noreply': <class 'bool'>, 'notouch': <class 'bool'>, 'protocol_version': <class 'int'>, 'stream_timeout': <class 'float'>}

Mapping of querystring arguments to their parser functions

classmethod from_url(url: str, db: int | None = None, decode_components: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) _CPT

Returns a connection pool configured from the given URL.

For example:

  • redis://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • rediss://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • unix://[:password]@/path/to/socket.sock?db=0

Three URL schemes are supported:

  • redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection

  • rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection

  • unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function will return the first specified option:

  • A db querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0

  • If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g. redis://localhost/0

  • The db argument to this function.

If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

The decode_components argument allows this function to work with percent-encoded URLs. If this argument is set to True all %xx escapes will be replaced by their single-character equivalents after the URL has been parsed. This only applies to the hostname, path, and password components. See URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS for a comprehensive mapping of querystring parameters to how they are parsed.

Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be passed along to the class constructor. The querystring arguments connect_timeout and stream_timeout if supplied are parsed as float values.


In the case of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.

class ClusterConnectionPool(startup_nodes: Iterable[Node] | None = None, connection_class: Type[ClusterConnection] = ClusterConnection, queue_class: Type[Queue[Connection | None]] = asyncio.LifoQueue, max_connections: int | None = None, max_connections_per_node: bool = False, reinitialize_steps: int | None = None, skip_full_coverage_check: bool = False, nodemanager_follow_cluster: bool = True, readonly: bool = False, read_from_replicas: bool = False, max_idle_time: int = 0, idle_check_interval: int = 1, blocking: bool = False, timeout: int = 20, **connection_kwargs: Any | None)[source]

Bases: ConnectionPool

Custom connection pool for RedisCluster client

  • max_connections – Maximum number of connections to allow concurrently from this client. If the value is None it will default to 32.

  • max_connections_per_node – Whether to use the value of max_connections on a per node basis or cluster wide. If False and blocking is True the per-node connection pools will have a maximum size of max_connections divided by the number of nodes in the cluster.

  • blocking – If True the client will block at most timeout seconds if max_connections is reachd when trying to obtain a connection

  • timeout – Number of seconds to block if block is True when trying to obtain a connection.

  • skip_full_coverage_check – Skips the check of cluster-require-full-coverage config, useful for clusters without the CONFIG command (For example with AWS Elasticache)

  • nodemanager_follow_cluster – The node manager will during initialization try the last set of nodes that it was operating on. This will allow the client to drift along side the cluster if the cluster nodes move around alot.

  • read_from_replicas – If True the client will route readonly commands to replicas

URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS: ClassVar[dict[str, Callable[[...], int | float | bool | str | None]]] = {'blocking': <class 'bool'>, 'client_name': <class 'str'>, 'connect_timeout': <class 'float'>, 'idle_check_interval': <class 'int'>, 'max_connections': <class 'int'>, 'max_connections_per_node': <class 'bool'>, 'max_idle_time': <class 'int'>, 'noevict': <class 'bool'>, 'noreply': <class 'bool'>, 'notouch': <class 'bool'>, 'protocol_version': <class 'int'>, 'read_from_replicas': <class 'bool'>, 'reinitialize_steps': <class 'int'>, 'skip_full_coverage_check': <class 'bool'>, 'stream_timeout': <class 'float'>}

Mapping of querystring arguments to their parser functions

reset() None[source]

Resets the connection pool back to a clean state

async get_connection(command_name: bytes | None = None, *keys: ValueT, acquire: bool = True, **options: ValueT | None) Connection[source]

Gets a connection from the pool

release(connection: Connection) None[source]

Releases the connection back to the pool

disconnect() None[source]

Closes all connections in the pool

async get_random_connection(primary: bool = False) ClusterConnection[source]

Opens new connection to random redis server in the cluster

async get_connection_by_slot(slot: int) ClusterConnection[source]

Determines what server a specific slot belongs to and return a redis object that is connected

async get_connection_by_node(node: ManagedNode) ClusterConnection[source]

Gets a connection by node

classmethod from_url(url: str, db: int | None = None, decode_components: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) _CPT

Returns a connection pool configured from the given URL.

For example:

  • redis://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • rediss://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • unix://[:password]@/path/to/socket.sock?db=0

Three URL schemes are supported:

  • redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection

  • rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection

  • unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function will return the first specified option:

  • A db querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0

  • If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g. redis://localhost/0

  • The db argument to this function.

If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

The decode_components argument allows this function to work with percent-encoded URLs. If this argument is set to True all %xx escapes will be replaced by their single-character equivalents after the URL has been parsed. This only applies to the hostname, path, and password components. See URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS for a comprehensive mapping of querystring parameters to how they are parsed.

Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be passed along to the class constructor. The querystring arguments connect_timeout and stream_timeout if supplied are parsed as float values.


In the case of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.

class BlockingClusterConnectionPool(startup_nodes: Iterable[Node] | None = None, connection_class: Type[ClusterConnection] = ClusterConnection, queue_class: Type[Queue[Connection | None]] = asyncio.LifoQueue, max_connections: int | None = None, max_connections_per_node: bool = False, reinitialize_steps: int | None = None, skip_full_coverage_check: bool = False, nodemanager_follow_cluster: bool = True, readonly: bool = False, read_from_replicas: bool = False, max_idle_time: int = 0, idle_check_interval: int = 1, timeout: int = 20, **connection_kwargs: Any | None)[source]

Bases: ClusterConnectionPool

Added in version 4.3.0.

Blocking connection pool for RedisCluster client


This is just a convenience subclass of ClusterConnectionPool that sets blocking to True

  • max_connections – Maximum number of connections to allow concurrently from this client.

  • max_connections_per_node – Whether to use the value of max_connections on a per node basis or cluster wide. If False the per-node connection pools will have a maximum size of max_connections divided by the number of nodes in the cluster.

  • timeout – Number of seconds to block when trying to obtain a connection.

  • skip_full_coverage_check – Skips the check of cluster-require-full-coverage config, useful for clusters without the CONFIG command (like aws)

  • nodemanager_follow_cluster – The node manager will during initialization try the last set of nodes that it was operating on. This will allow the client to drift along side the cluster if the cluster nodes move around alot.

URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS: ClassVar[dict[str, Callable[[...], int | float | bool | str | None]]] = {'blocking': <class 'bool'>, 'client_name': <class 'str'>, 'connect_timeout': <class 'float'>, 'idle_check_interval': <class 'int'>, 'max_connections': <class 'int'>, 'max_connections_per_node': <class 'bool'>, 'max_idle_time': <class 'int'>, 'noevict': <class 'bool'>, 'noreply': <class 'bool'>, 'notouch': <class 'bool'>, 'protocol_version': <class 'int'>, 'read_from_replicas': <class 'bool'>, 'reinitialize_steps': <class 'int'>, 'skip_full_coverage_check': <class 'bool'>, 'stream_timeout': <class 'float'>}

Mapping of querystring arguments to their parser functions

disconnect() None

Closes all connections in the pool

classmethod from_url(url: str, db: int | None = None, decode_components: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) _CPT

Returns a connection pool configured from the given URL.

For example:

  • redis://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • rediss://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • unix://[:password]@/path/to/socket.sock?db=0

Three URL schemes are supported:

  • redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection

  • rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection

  • unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function will return the first specified option:

  • A db querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0

  • If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g. redis://localhost/0

  • The db argument to this function.

If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

The decode_components argument allows this function to work with percent-encoded URLs. If this argument is set to True all %xx escapes will be replaced by their single-character equivalents after the URL has been parsed. This only applies to the hostname, path, and password components. See URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS for a comprehensive mapping of querystring parameters to how they are parsed.

Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be passed along to the class constructor. The querystring arguments connect_timeout and stream_timeout if supplied are parsed as float values.


In the case of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.

async get_connection(command_name: bytes | None = None, *keys: ValueT, acquire: bool = True, **options: ValueT | None) Connection

Gets a connection from the pool

async get_connection_by_node(node: ManagedNode) ClusterConnection

Gets a connection by node

async get_connection_by_slot(slot: int) ClusterConnection

Determines what server a specific slot belongs to and return a redis object that is connected

async get_random_connection(primary: bool = False) ClusterConnection

Opens new connection to random redis server in the cluster

release(connection: Connection) None

Releases the connection back to the pool

reset() None

Resets the connection pool back to a clean state

class SentinelConnectionPool(service_name: StringT, sentinel_manager: Sentinel[Any], is_primary: bool = True, check_connection: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ConnectionPool

Sentinel backed connection pool.

Creates a connection pool. If max_connections is set, then this object raises ConnectionError when the pool’s limit is reached.

By default, TCP connections are created connection_class is specified. Use UnixDomainSocketConnection for unix sockets.

Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the constructor of connection_class.

async rotate_replicas() list[tuple[str, int]][source]

Round-robin replicas balancer

URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS: ClassVar[Dict[str, Callable[..., int | float | bool | str | None]]] = {'client_name': <class 'str'>, 'connect_timeout': <class 'float'>, 'idle_check_interval': <class 'int'>, 'max_connections': <class 'int'>, 'max_idle_time': <class 'int'>, 'noevict': <class 'bool'>, 'noreply': <class 'bool'>, 'notouch': <class 'bool'>, 'protocol_version': <class 'int'>, 'stream_timeout': <class 'float'>}

Mapping of querystring arguments to their parser functions

disconnect() None

Closes all connections in the pool

classmethod from_url(url: str, db: int | None = None, decode_components: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) _CPT

Returns a connection pool configured from the given URL.

For example:

  • redis://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • rediss://[:password]@localhost:6379/0

  • unix://[:password]@/path/to/socket.sock?db=0

Three URL schemes are supported:

  • redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection

  • rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection

  • unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function will return the first specified option:

  • A db querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0

  • If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g. redis://localhost/0

  • The db argument to this function.

If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

The decode_components argument allows this function to work with percent-encoded URLs. If this argument is set to True all %xx escapes will be replaced by their single-character equivalents after the URL has been parsed. This only applies to the hostname, path, and password components. See URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS for a comprehensive mapping of querystring parameters to how they are parsed.

Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be passed along to the class constructor. The querystring arguments connect_timeout and stream_timeout if supplied are parsed as float values.


In the case of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.

async get_connection(command_name: bytes | None = None, *args: ValueT, acquire: bool = True, **kwargs: ValueT | None) Connection

Gets a connection from the pool

release(connection: Connection) None

Releases the connection back to the pool

Connection Classes


class Connection(host: str = '', port: int = 6379, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, credential_provider: AbstractCredentialProvider | None = None, db: int | None = 0, stream_timeout: float | None = None, connect_timeout: float | None = None, ssl_context: SSLContext | None = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', decode_responses: bool = False, socket_keepalive: bool | None = None, socket_keepalive_options: dict[int, int | bytes] | None = None, *, client_name: str | None = None, protocol_version: Literal[2, 3] = 3, noreply: bool = False, noevict: bool = False, notouch: bool = False)[source]

Bases: BaseConnection

async can_read() bool

Checks for data that can be read

async connect() None

Establish a connnection to the redis server and initiate any post connect callbacks

async create_request(command: bytes, *args: ValueT, noreply: bool | None = None, decode: ValueT | None = None, encoding: str | None = None, raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) Future[ResponseType]

Send a command to the redis server

async create_requests(commands: list[CommandInvocation], raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) list[Future[ResponseType]]

Send multiple commands to the redis server

disconnect() None

Disconnect from the Redis server

property estimated_time_to_idle: float

Estimated time till the pending request queue of this connection has been cleared

async fetch_push_message(decode: ValueT | None = None, push_message_types: set[bytes] | None = None, block: bool | None = False) ResponseType

Read the next pending response

property is_connected: bool

Whether the connection is established and initial handshakes were performed without error

property lag: float

Returns the amount of seconds since the last request was processed if there are still in flight requests pending on this connection

property requests_pending: int

Number of requests pending response on this connection

async send_command(command: bytes, *args: ValueT) None

Send a command to the redis server

async update_tracking_client(enabled: bool, client_id: int | None = None) bool

Associate this connection to client_id to relay any tracking notifications to.

client_id: int | None

id for this connection as returned by the redis server

push_messages: asyncio.Queue[ResponseType]

Queue that collects any unread push message types

tracking_client_id: int | None

client id that the redis server should send any redirected notifications to

protocol_version: Literal[2, 3]

Whether the connection should use RESP or RESP3

average_response_time: float

average response time of requests made on this connection

class UnixDomainSocketConnection(path: str = '', username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, credential_provider: AbstractCredentialProvider | None = None, db: int = 0, stream_timeout: float | None = None, connect_timeout: float | None = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', decode_responses: bool = False, *, client_name: str | None = None, protocol_version: Literal[2, 3] = 3, **_: ValueT)[source]

Bases: BaseConnection

async can_read() bool

Checks for data that can be read

async connect() None

Establish a connnection to the redis server and initiate any post connect callbacks

async create_request(command: bytes, *args: ValueT, noreply: bool | None = None, decode: ValueT | None = None, encoding: str | None = None, raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) Future[ResponseType]

Send a command to the redis server

async create_requests(commands: list[CommandInvocation], raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) list[Future[ResponseType]]

Send multiple commands to the redis server

disconnect() None

Disconnect from the Redis server

property estimated_time_to_idle: float

Estimated time till the pending request queue of this connection has been cleared

async fetch_push_message(decode: ValueT | None = None, push_message_types: set[bytes] | None = None, block: bool | None = False) ResponseType

Read the next pending response

property is_connected: bool

Whether the connection is established and initial handshakes were performed without error

property lag: float

Returns the amount of seconds since the last request was processed if there are still in flight requests pending on this connection

property requests_pending: int

Number of requests pending response on this connection

async send_command(command: bytes, *args: ValueT) None

Send a command to the redis server

async update_tracking_client(enabled: bool, client_id: int | None = None) bool

Associate this connection to client_id to relay any tracking notifications to.

client_id: int | None

id for this connection as returned by the redis server

push_messages: asyncio.Queue[ResponseType]

Queue that collects any unread push message types

tracking_client_id: int | None

client id that the redis server should send any redirected notifications to

protocol_version: Literal[2, 3]

Whether the connection should use RESP or RESP3

average_response_time: float

average response time of requests made on this connection

class ClusterConnection(host: str = '', port: int = 6379, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, credential_provider: AbstractCredentialProvider | None = None, db: int | None = 0, stream_timeout: float | None = None, connect_timeout: float | None = None, ssl_context: SSLContext | None = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', decode_responses: bool = False, socket_keepalive: bool | None = None, socket_keepalive_options: dict[int, int | bytes] | None = None, *, client_name: str | None = None, protocol_version: Literal[2, 3] = 3, read_from_replicas: bool = False, noreply: bool = False, noevict: bool = False, notouch: bool = False)[source]

Bases: Connection

Manages TCP communication to and from a Redis server

async can_read() bool

Checks for data that can be read

async connect() None

Establish a connnection to the redis server and initiate any post connect callbacks

async create_request(command: bytes, *args: ValueT, noreply: bool | None = None, decode: ValueT | None = None, encoding: str | None = None, raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) Future[ResponseType]

Send a command to the redis server

async create_requests(commands: list[CommandInvocation], raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) list[Future[ResponseType]]

Send multiple commands to the redis server

disconnect() None

Disconnect from the Redis server

property estimated_time_to_idle: float

Estimated time till the pending request queue of this connection has been cleared

async fetch_push_message(decode: ValueT | None = None, push_message_types: set[bytes] | None = None, block: bool | None = False) ResponseType

Read the next pending response

property is_connected: bool

Whether the connection is established and initial handshakes were performed without error

property lag: float

Returns the amount of seconds since the last request was processed if there are still in flight requests pending on this connection

property requests_pending: int

Number of requests pending response on this connection

async send_command(command: bytes, *args: ValueT) None

Send a command to the redis server

async update_tracking_client(enabled: bool, client_id: int | None = None) bool

Associate this connection to client_id to relay any tracking notifications to.

client_id: int | None

id for this connection as returned by the redis server

push_messages: asyncio.Queue[ResponseType]

Queue that collects any unread push message types

tracking_client_id: int | None

client id that the redis server should send any redirected notifications to

protocol_version: Literal[2, 3]

Whether the connection should use RESP or RESP3

average_response_time: float

average response time of requests made on this connection

class SentinelManagedConnection(connection_pool: SentinelConnectionPool, host: str = '', port: int = 6379, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, credential_provider: AbstractCredentialProvider | None = None, db: int = 0, stream_timeout: float | None = None, connect_timeout: float | None = None, ssl_context: SSLContext | None = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', decode_responses: bool = False, socket_keepalive: bool | None = None, socket_keepalive_options: dict[int, int | bytes] | None = None, *, client_name: str | None = None, protocol_version: Literal[2, 3] = 2)[source]

Bases: Connection, Generic

async connect() None[source]

Establish a connnection to the redis server and initiate any post connect callbacks

async can_read() bool

Checks for data that can be read

async create_request(command: bytes, *args: ValueT, noreply: bool | None = None, decode: ValueT | None = None, encoding: str | None = None, raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) Future[ResponseType]

Send a command to the redis server

async create_requests(commands: list[CommandInvocation], raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) list[Future[ResponseType]]

Send multiple commands to the redis server

disconnect() None

Disconnect from the Redis server

property estimated_time_to_idle: float

Estimated time till the pending request queue of this connection has been cleared

async fetch_push_message(decode: ValueT | None = None, push_message_types: set[bytes] | None = None, block: bool | None = False) ResponseType

Read the next pending response

property is_connected: bool

Whether the connection is established and initial handshakes were performed without error

property lag: float

Returns the amount of seconds since the last request was processed if there are still in flight requests pending on this connection

property requests_pending: int

Number of requests pending response on this connection

async send_command(command: bytes, *args: ValueT) None

Send a command to the redis server

async update_tracking_client(enabled: bool, client_id: int | None = None) bool

Associate this connection to client_id to relay any tracking notifications to.

client_id: int | None

id for this connection as returned by the redis server

push_messages: asyncio.Queue[ResponseType]

Queue that collects any unread push message types

tracking_client_id: int | None

client id that the redis server should send any redirected notifications to

protocol_version: Literal[2, 3]

Whether the connection should use RESP or RESP3

average_response_time: float

average response time of requests made on this connection

All connection classes derive from the same base-class:

class BaseConnection(stream_timeout: float | None = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', decode_responses: bool = False, *, client_name: str | None = None, protocol_version: Literal[2, 3] = 3, noreply: bool = False, noevict: bool = False, notouch: bool = False)[source]

Bases: BaseProtocol

Base connection class which implements asyncio.BaseProtocol to interact with the underlying connection established with the redis server.

protocol_version: Literal[2, 3]

Whether the connection should use RESP or RESP3

client_id: int | None

id for this connection as returned by the redis server

tracking_client_id: int | None

client id that the redis server should send any redirected notifications to

push_messages: asyncio.Queue[ResponseType]

Queue that collects any unread push message types

average_response_time: float

average response time of requests made on this connection

property estimated_time_to_idle: float

Estimated time till the pending request queue of this connection has been cleared

property is_connected: bool

Whether the connection is established and initial handshakes were performed without error

property requests_pending: int

Number of requests pending response on this connection

property lag: float

Returns the amount of seconds since the last request was processed if there are still in flight requests pending on this connection

async can_read() bool[source]

Checks for data that can be read

async connect() None[source]

Establish a connnection to the redis server and initiate any post connect callbacks

async update_tracking_client(enabled: bool, client_id: int | None = None) bool[source]

Associate this connection to client_id to relay any tracking notifications to.

async fetch_push_message(decode: ValueT | None = None, push_message_types: set[bytes] | None = None, block: bool | None = False) ResponseType[source]

Read the next pending response

async send_command(command: bytes, *args: ValueT) None[source]

Send a command to the redis server

async create_request(command: bytes, *args: ValueT, noreply: bool | None = None, decode: ValueT | None = None, encoding: str | None = None, raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) Future[ResponseType][source]

Send a command to the redis server

async create_requests(commands: list[CommandInvocation], raise_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) list[Future[ResponseType]][source]

Send multiple commands to the redis server

disconnect() None[source]

Disconnect from the Redis server