
Type Annotations

coredis provides type annotations for the public API. These are tested using mypy.

The Redis and RedisCluster clients are Generic types constrained by AnyStr. The constructors and from_url() factory methods infer the appropriate specialization automatically.

Without decoding:

client = coredis.Redis(
    "localhost", 6379, db=0, decode_responses=False, encoding="utf-8"
await client.set("string", 1)
await client.lpush("list", [1])
await client.hset("hash", {"a": 1})
await client.sadd("set", ["a"])
await client.zadd("sset", {"a": 1.0, "b": 2.0})

str_response = await client.get("string")
list_response_ = await client.lrange("list", 0, 1)
hash_response = await client.hgetall("hash")
set_response = await client.smembers("set")
sorted_set_members_only_response = await client.zrange("sset", -1, 1)

# note: Revealed local types are:
# note:     client: coredis.client.Redis[builtins.bytes]
# note:     hash_response: builtins.dict*[builtins.bytes*, builtins.bytes*]
# note:     list_response_: builtins.list*[builtins.bytes*]
# note:     set_response: builtins.set*[builtins.bytes*]
# note:     sorted_set_members_only_response: builtins.tuple*[builtins.bytes*, ...]
# note:     str_response: builtins.bytes*

With decoding:

client = coredis.Redis(
    "localhost", 6379, db=0, decode_responses=True, encoding="utf-8"
await client.set("string", 1)
await client.lpush("list", [1])
await client.hset("hash", {"a": 1})
await client.sadd("set", ["a"])
await client.zadd("sset", {"a": 1.0, "b": 2.0})

str_response = await client.get("string")
list_response_ = await client.lrange("list", 0, 1)
hash_response = await client.hgetall("hash")
set_response = await client.smembers("set")
sorted_set_members_only_response = await client.zrange("sset", -1, 1)

# note: Revealed local types are:
# note:     client: coredis.client.Redis[builtins.str]
# note:     hash_response: builtins.dict*[builtins.str*, builtins.str*]
# note:     list_response_: builtins.list*[builtins.str*]
# note:     set_response: builtins.set*[builtins.str*]
# note:     sorted_set_members_only_response: builtins.tuple*[builtins.str*, ...]
# note:     str_response: builtins.str*

Runtime Type checking

coredis optionally wraps all command methods with beartype decorators to help detect errors during testing (or if you are b(ea)rave enough, always).

This can be enabled by installing beartype and setting the COREDIS_RUNTIME_CHECKS environment variable.

As an example:

import coredis
import asyncio
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<@beartype(coredis.commands.core.CoreCommands.set) at 0x10c403130>", line 33, in set
beartype.roar.BeartypeCallHintParamViolation: @beartyped coroutine CoreCommands.set() parameter key=1 violates type hint typing.Union[str, bytes], as 1 not str or bytes.