
Constructor parameters encoding and decode_responses are used to control request encoding and response decoding.

encoding is used for specifying which codec you want requests values to be encoded with. decode_responses is used for tell the client whether responses should be decoded.

If decode_responses is set to True and no encoding is specified, the client will use utf-8 by default.

The behavior of the client can also be temporarily changed by using the decoding() context manager. For example:

client = coredis.Redis(decoding=True, encoding='utf-8')
await client.set("fubar", "baz")
with client.decoding(False):
    assert await client.get("fubar") == b"baz"
    with client.decoding(True):
        assert await client.get("fubar") == "baz"


In certain cases (exclusively for utility commands such as coredis.Redis.info()) inspecting the response string is necessary to destructure it into a usable shape and the response from the API will always be decoded to unicode strings.