Source code for coredis.modules.autocomplete

from __future__ import annotations

from deprecated.sphinx import versionadded

from ..commands._wrappers import CacheConfig
from ..commands.constants import CommandFlag, CommandGroup, CommandName
from ..response._callbacks import BoolCallback, IntCallback
from ..tokens import PrefixToken, PureToken
from ..typing import AnyStr, CommandArgList, KeyT, Optional, StringT, Tuple, Union
from .base import ModuleGroup, module_command
from .response._callbacks.autocomplete import AutocompleteCallback
from .response.types import AutocompleteSuggestion
from .search import RediSearch

[docs] @versionadded(version="4.12") class Autocomplete(ModuleGroup[AnyStr]): MODULE = RediSearch COMMAND_GROUP = CommandGroup.SUGGESTION
[docs] @module_command( CommandName.FT_SUGADD, module=MODULE, version_introduced="1.0.0", group=COMMAND_GROUP, ) async def sugadd( self, key: KeyT, string: StringT, score: Union[int, float], increment_score: Optional[bool] = None, payload: Optional[StringT] = None, ) -> int: """ Adds a suggestion string to an auto-complete suggestion dictionary :param key: The suggestion dictionary key. :param string: The suggestion string to index. :param score: The floating point number of the suggestion string's weight. :param increment_score: Increments the existing entry of the suggestion by the given score, instead of replacing the score. :param payload: Saves an extra payload with the suggestion, that can be fetched when calling :meth:`sugget` by using :paramref:`sugget.withpayloads` """ pieces: CommandArgList = [key, string, score] if increment_score: pieces.append(PureToken.INCREMENT) if payload: pieces.extend([PrefixToken.PAYLOAD, payload]) return await self.execute_module_command( CommandName.FT_SUGADD, *pieces, callback=IntCallback() )
[docs] @module_command( CommandName.FT_SUGGET, module=MODULE, version_introduced="1.0.0", group=COMMAND_GROUP, cache_config=CacheConfig(lambda *a, **_: a[0]), flags={CommandFlag.READONLY}, ) async def sugget( self, key: KeyT, prefix: StringT, *, fuzzy: Optional[bool] = None, withscores: Optional[bool] = None, withpayloads: Optional[bool] = None, max_suggestions: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple[AutocompleteSuggestion[AnyStr], ...], Tuple[()]]: """ Gets completion suggestions for a prefix :param key: The suggestion dictionary key. :param prefix: The prefix to complete on. :param fuzzy: If ``True``, performs a fuzzy prefix search, including prefixes at Levenshtein distance of 1 from the prefix sent. :param withscores: If ``True``, also returns the score of each suggestion. :param withpayloads: If True, returns optional payloads saved along with the suggestions. :param max_suggestions: Limits the results to a maximum of ``max_suggestions`` """ pieces: CommandArgList = [key, prefix] if fuzzy: pieces.append(PureToken.FUZZY) if withscores: pieces.append(PureToken.WITHSCORES) if withpayloads: pieces.append(PureToken.WITHPAYLOADS) if max_suggestions is not None: pieces.append(PureToken.MAX) pieces.append(max_suggestions) return await self.execute_module_command( CommandName.FT_SUGGET, *pieces, callback=AutocompleteCallback[AnyStr](), withscores=withscores, withpayloads=withpayloads, )
[docs] @module_command( CommandName.FT_SUGDEL, module=MODULE, version_introduced="1.0.0", group=COMMAND_GROUP, ) async def sugdel(self, key: KeyT, string: StringT) -> bool: """ Deletes a string from a suggestion index :param key: The suggestion dictionary key. :param string: The suggestion string to index. """ pieces: CommandArgList = [key, string] return await self.execute_module_command( CommandName.FT_SUGDEL, *pieces, callback=BoolCallback() )
[docs] @module_command( CommandName.FT_SUGLEN, module=MODULE, version_introduced="1.0.0", group=COMMAND_GROUP, ) async def suglen(self, key: KeyT) -> int: """ Gets the size of an auto-complete suggestion dictionary :param key: The key of the suggestion dictionary. """ pieces: CommandArgList = [key] return await self.execute_module_command( CommandName.FT_SUGLEN, *pieces, callback=IntCallback() )