Source code for coredis.pool.cluster

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import os
import random
import threading
import time
import warnings
from typing import Any, List, cast

import async_timeout

from coredis._utils import b, hash_slot
from coredis.connection import ClusterConnection, Connection
from coredis.exceptions import ConnectionError, RedisClusterException
from coredis.globals import READONLY_COMMANDS
from coredis.pool.basic import ConnectionPool
from coredis.pool.nodemanager import ManagedNode, NodeManager
from coredis.typing import (

[docs] class ClusterConnectionPool(ConnectionPool): """ Custom connection pool for :class:`~coredis.RedisCluster` client """ #: Mapping of querystring arguments to their parser functions URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS: ClassVar[ Dict[str, Callable[..., Optional[Union[int, float, bool, str]]]] ] = { **ConnectionPool.URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS, "max_connections_per_node": bool, "reinitialize_steps": int, "skip_full_coverage_check": bool, "read_from_replicas": bool, "blocking": bool, } nodes: NodeManager connection_class: Type[ClusterConnection] _created_connections_per_node: Dict[str, int] _cluster_available_connections: Dict[str, asyncio.Queue[Optional[Connection]]] _cluster_in_use_connections: Dict[str, Set[Connection]] def __init__( self, startup_nodes: Optional[Iterable[Node]] = None, connection_class: Type[ClusterConnection] = ClusterConnection, queue_class: Type[asyncio.Queue[Optional[Connection]]] = asyncio.LifoQueue, max_connections: Optional[int] = None, max_connections_per_node: bool = False, reinitialize_steps: Optional[int] = None, skip_full_coverage_check: bool = False, nodemanager_follow_cluster: bool = True, readonly: bool = False, read_from_replicas: bool = False, max_idle_time: int = 0, idle_check_interval: int = 1, blocking: bool = False, timeout: int = 20, **connection_kwargs: Optional[Any], ): """ Changes - .. versionchanged:: 4.4.0 - :paramref:`nodemanager_follow_cluster` now defaults to ``True`` - .. deprecated:: 4.4.0 - :paramref:`readonly` renamed to :paramref:`read_from_replicas` :param max_connections: Maximum number of connections to allow concurrently from this client. If the value is ``None`` it will default to 32. :param max_connections_per_node: Whether to use the value of :paramref:`max_connections` on a per node basis or cluster wide. If ``False`` and :paramref:`blocking` is ``True`` the per-node connection pools will have a maximum size of :paramref:`max_connections` divided by the number of nodes in the cluster. :param blocking: If ``True`` the client will block at most :paramref:`timeout` seconds if :paramref:`max_connections` is reachd when trying to obtain a connection :param timeout: Number of seconds to block if :paramref:`block` is ``True`` when trying to obtain a connection. :param skip_full_coverage_check: Skips the check of cluster-require-full-coverage config, useful for clusters without the :rediscommand:`CONFIG` command (For example with AWS Elasticache) :param nodemanager_follow_cluster: The node manager will during initialization try the last set of nodes that it was operating on. This will allow the client to drift along side the cluster if the cluster nodes move around alot. :param read_from_replicas: If ``True`` the client will route readonly commands to replicas """ super().__init__( connection_class=connection_class, max_connections=max_connections ) self.queue_class = queue_class # Special case to make from_url method compliant with cluster setting. # from_url method will send in the ip and port through a different variable then the # regular startup_nodes variable. if startup_nodes is None: host = connection_kwargs.pop("host", None) port = connection_kwargs.pop("port", None) if host and port: startup_nodes = [Node(host=str(host), port=int(port))] self.blocking = blocking self.blocking_timeout = timeout self.max_connections = max_connections or 2**31 self.max_connections_per_node = max_connections_per_node self.nodes = NodeManager( startup_nodes, reinitialize_steps=reinitialize_steps, skip_full_coverage_check=skip_full_coverage_check, max_connections=self.max_connections, nodemanager_follow_cluster=nodemanager_follow_cluster, **connection_kwargs, # type: ignore ) self.connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs self.connection_kwargs["read_from_replicas"] = read_from_replicas self.read_from_replicas = read_from_replicas or readonly self.max_idle_time = max_idle_time self.idle_check_interval = idle_check_interval self.reset() if "stream_timeout" not in self.connection_kwargs: self.connection_kwargs["stream_timeout"] = None self._init_lock = asyncio.Lock() def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Returns a string with all unique ip:port combinations that this pool is connected to """ return "{}<{}>".format( type(self).__name__, ", ".join( [ self.connection_class.describe(node.__dict__) for node in self.nodes.startup_nodes ] ), ) async def initialize(self) -> None: if not self.initialized: async with self._init_lock: if not self.initialized: await self.nodes.initialize() if ( not self.max_connections_per_node and self.max_connections < len(self.nodes.nodes) ): warnings.warn( f"The value of max_connections={self.max_connections} " "should be atleast equal to the number of nodes " f"({len(self.nodes.nodes)}) in the cluster and has been increased by " f"{len(self.nodes.nodes)-self.max_connections} connections." ) self.max_connections = len(self.nodes.nodes) await super().initialize() async def disconnect_on_idle_time_exceeded(self, connection: Connection) -> None: assert isinstance(connection, ClusterConnection) while True: if ( time.time() - connection.last_active_at > self.max_idle_time and not connection.requests_pending ): connection.disconnect() node = connection.node if in self._created_connections_per_node: self._created_connections_per_node[] -= 1 break await asyncio.sleep(self.idle_check_interval)
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Resets the connection pool back to a clean state""" = os.getpid() self._created_connections_per_node = {} self._cluster_available_connections = {} self._cluster_in_use_connections = {} self._check_lock = threading.Lock() self.initialized = False
def checkpid(self) -> None: # noqa if != os.getpid(): with self._check_lock: if == os.getpid(): # another thread already did the work while we waited # on the lockself. return self.disconnect() self.reset()
[docs] async def get_connection( self, command_name: Optional[bytes] = None, *keys: ValueT, acquire: bool = True, **options: Optional[ValueT], ) -> Connection: # Only pubsub command/connection should be allowed here if command_name != b"pubsub": raise RedisClusterException( "Only 'pubsub' commands can use get_connection()" ) routing_key = options.pop("channel", None) node_type = options.pop("node_type", "primary") if not routing_key: return await self.get_random_connection() slot = hash_slot(b(routing_key)) if node_type == "replica": node = self.get_replica_node_by_slot(slot) else: node = self.get_primary_node_by_slot(slot) self.checkpid() try: connection = self.__node_pool( except asyncio.QueueEmpty: connection = None if not connection: connection = self._make_node_connection(node) else: if connection.is_connected and connection.needs_handshake: await connection.perform_handshake() if acquire: self._cluster_in_use_connections.setdefault(, set()) self._cluster_in_use_connections[].add(connection) else: self.__node_pool( return connection
def _make_node_connection(self, node: ManagedNode) -> Connection: """Creates a new connection to a node""" if self.count_all_num_connections(node) >= self.max_connections: if self.max_connections_per_node: raise ConnectionError( "Too many connection ({}) for node: {}".format( self.count_all_num_connections(node), ) ) raise ConnectionError("Too many connections") self._created_connections_per_node.setdefault(, 0) self._created_connections_per_node[] += 1 connection = self.connection_class(, port=node.port, **self.connection_kwargs, # type: ignore ) # Must store node in the connection to make it eaiser to track connection.node = node if self.max_idle_time > self.idle_check_interval > 0: # do not await the future asyncio.ensure_future(self.disconnect_on_idle_time_exceeded(connection)) return connection def __node_pool(self, node: str) -> asyncio.Queue[Optional[Connection]]: if not self._cluster_available_connections.get(node): self._cluster_available_connections[node] = self.__default_node_queue() return self._cluster_available_connections[node] def __default_node_queue( self, ) -> asyncio.Queue[Optional[Connection]]: q_size = max( 1, int( self.max_connections if self.max_connections_per_node else self.max_connections / len(self.nodes.nodes) ), ) q: asyncio.Queue[Optional[Connection]] = self.queue_class(q_size) # If the queue is non-blocking, we don't need to pre-populate it if not self.blocking: return q if q_size > 2**16: # noqa raise RuntimeError( f"Requested unsupported value of max_connections: {q_size} in blocking mode" ) while True: try: q.put_nowait(None) except asyncio.QueueFull: break return q
[docs] def release(self, connection: Connection) -> None: """Releases the connection back to the pool""" assert isinstance(connection, ClusterConnection) self.checkpid() if == # Remove the current connection from _in_use_connection and add it back to the available # pool. There is cases where the connection is to be removed but it will not exist and # there must be a safe way to remove i_c = self._cluster_in_use_connections.get(, set()) if connection in i_c: i_c.remove(connection) else: pass try: self.__node_pool( except asyncio.QueueFull: connection.disconnect() # reduce node connection count in case of too many connection error raised if in self._created_connections_per_node: self._created_connections_per_node[] -= 1
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """Closes all connections in the pool""" for node_connections in self._cluster_in_use_connections.values(): for connection in node_connections: connection.disconnect() for node, available_connections in self._cluster_available_connections.items(): removed = 0 while True: try: _connection = available_connections.get_nowait() if _connection: _connection.disconnect() if node in self._created_connections_per_node: self._created_connections_per_node[node] -= 1 removed += 1 except asyncio.QueueEmpty: break # Refill queue with empty slots for _ in range(removed): available_connections.put_nowait(None)
def count_all_num_connections(self, node: ManagedNode) -> int: if self.max_connections_per_node: return self._created_connections_per_node.get(, 0) return sum(i for i in self._created_connections_per_node.values())
[docs] async def get_random_connection(self, primary: bool = False) -> ClusterConnection: """Opens new connection to random redis server in the cluster""" for node in self.nodes.random_startup_node_iter(primary): connection = await self.get_connection_by_node(node) if connection: return connection raise RedisClusterException("Cant reach a single startup node.")
async def get_connection_by_key(self, key: StringT) -> ClusterConnection: if not key: raise RedisClusterException( "No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster." ) return await self.get_connection_by_slot(hash_slot(b(key)))
[docs] async def get_connection_by_slot(self, slot: int) -> ClusterConnection: """ Determines what server a specific slot belongs to and return a redis object that is connected """ self.checkpid() try: return await self.get_connection_by_node(self.get_node_by_slot(slot)) except KeyError: return await self.get_random_connection()
[docs] async def get_connection_by_node(self, node: ManagedNode) -> ClusterConnection: """Gets a connection by node""" self.checkpid() if not self.blocking: try: connection = self.__node_pool( except asyncio.QueueEmpty: connection = None else: try: async with async_timeout.timeout(self.blocking_timeout): connection = await self.__node_pool( except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise ConnectionError("No connection available.") if not connection: connection = self._make_node_connection(node) self._cluster_in_use_connections.setdefault(, set()).add(connection) return cast(ClusterConnection, connection)
def get_primary_node_by_slot(self, slot: int) -> ManagedNode: return self.get_primary_node_by_slots([slot]) def get_primary_node_by_slots(self, slots: List[int]) -> ManagedNode: nodes = {self.nodes.slots[slot][0].node_id for slot in slots} if len(nodes) == 1: return self.nodes.slots[slots[0]][0] else: raise RedisClusterException(f"Unable to map slots {slots} to a single node") def get_replica_node_by_slot(self, slot: int) -> ManagedNode: return self.get_replica_node_by_slots([slot]) def get_replica_node_by_slots( self, slots: List[int], replica_only: bool = False ) -> ManagedNode: nodes = {self.nodes.slots[slot][0].node_id for slot in slots} if len(nodes) == 1: slot = slots[0] if replica_only: return random.choice( [ node for node in self.nodes.slots[slot] if node.server_type != "primary" ] ) else: return random.choice(self.nodes.slots[slot]) else: raise RedisClusterException(f"Unable to map slots {slots} to a single node") def get_node_by_slot( self, slot: int, command: Optional[bytes] = None ) -> ManagedNode: if self.read_from_replicas and command in READONLY_COMMANDS: return self.get_replica_node_by_slot(slot) return self.get_primary_node_by_slot(slot) def get_node_by_slots( self, slots: List[int], command: Optional[bytes] = None ) -> ManagedNode: if self.read_from_replicas and command in READONLY_COMMANDS: return self.get_replica_node_by_slots(slots) return self.get_primary_node_by_slots(slots)
[docs] class BlockingClusterConnectionPool(ClusterConnectionPool): """ .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 Blocking connection pool for :class:`~coredis.RedisCluster` client .. note:: This is just a convenience subclass of :class:`~coredis.pool.ClusterConnectionPool` that sets :paramref:`~coredis.pool.ClusterConnectionPool.blocking` to ``True`` """ def __init__( self, startup_nodes: Optional[Iterable[Node]] = None, connection_class: Type[ClusterConnection] = ClusterConnection, queue_class: Type[asyncio.Queue[Optional[Connection]]] = asyncio.LifoQueue, max_connections: Optional[int] = None, max_connections_per_node: bool = False, reinitialize_steps: Optional[int] = None, skip_full_coverage_check: bool = False, nodemanager_follow_cluster: bool = True, readonly: bool = False, read_from_replicas: bool = False, max_idle_time: int = 0, idle_check_interval: int = 1, timeout: int = 20, **connection_kwargs: Optional[Any], ): """ Changes - .. versionchanged:: 4.4.0 - :paramref:`nodemanager_follow_cluster` now defaults to ``True`` - .. deprecated:: 4.4.0 - :paramref:`readonly` renamed to :paramref:`read_from_replicas` :param max_connections: Maximum number of connections to allow concurrently from this client. :param max_connections_per_node: Whether to use the value of :paramref:`max_connections` on a per node basis or cluster wide. If ``False`` the per-node connection pools will have a maximum size of :paramref:`max_connections` divided by the number of nodes in the cluster. :param timeout: Number of seconds to block when trying to obtain a connection. :param skip_full_coverage_check: Skips the check of cluster-require-full-coverage config, useful for clusters without the CONFIG command (like aws) :param nodemanager_follow_cluster: The node manager will during initialization try the last set of nodes that it was operating on. This will allow the client to drift along side the cluster if the cluster nodes move around alot. """ super().__init__( startup_nodes=startup_nodes, connection_class=connection_class, queue_class=queue_class, max_connections=max_connections, max_connections_per_node=max_connections_per_node, reinitialize_steps=reinitialize_steps, skip_full_coverage_check=skip_full_coverage_check, nodemanager_follow_cluster=nodemanager_follow_cluster, readonly=readonly, read_from_replicas=read_from_replicas, max_idle_time=max_idle_time, idle_check_interval=idle_check_interval, timeout=timeout, blocking=True, **connection_kwargs, )