Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextvars
import importlib.resources
import math
import time
import uuid
import warnings
from types import TracebackType
from typing import cast

from coredis.client import Redis, RedisCluster
from coredis.commands import Script
from coredis.exceptions import (
from coredis.tokens import PureToken
from coredis.typing import AnyStr, Generic, KeyT, Optional, StringT, Type, Union

with warnings.catch_warnings():
    warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)
    EXTEND_SCRIPT = Script(
        script=importlib.resources.read_text(__package__, "extend.lua")
    RELEASE_SCRIPT = Script(
        script=importlib.resources.read_text(__package__, "release.lua")

[docs] class LuaLock(Generic[AnyStr]): """ A shared, distributed Lock using LUA scripts. The lock can be used with both :class:`coredis.Redis` and :class:`coredis.RedisCluster` either explicitly or as an async context manager:: import asyncio import coredis from coredis.exceptions import LockError from import LuaLock async def test(): client = coredis.Redis() async with LuaLock(client, "mylock", timeout=1.0): # do stuff await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # lock is implictly released when the context manager exits try: async with LuaLock(client, "mylock", timeout=1.0): # do stuff that takes too long await asyncio.sleep(1) # lock will raise upon exiting the context manager except LockError as err: # roll back stuff print(f"Expected error: {err}") lock = LuaLock(client, "mylock", timeout=1.0) await lock.acquire() # do stuff await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # do more stuff await lock.extend(1.0) await lock.release() """ @classmethod @RELEASE_SCRIPT.wraps(client_arg="client") async def lua_release( # type: ignore[empty-body] cls, client: Union[Redis[AnyStr], RedisCluster[AnyStr]], name: KeyT, expected_token: StringT, ) -> int: ... @classmethod @EXTEND_SCRIPT.wraps(client_arg="client") async def lua_extend( # type: ignore[empty-body] cls, client: Union[Redis[AnyStr], RedisCluster[AnyStr]], name: KeyT, expected_token: StringT, additional_time: int, ) -> int: ... local: contextvars.ContextVar[Optional[StringT]] def __init__( self, client: Union[Redis[AnyStr], RedisCluster[AnyStr]], name: StringT, timeout: Optional[float] = None, sleep: float = 0.1, blocking: bool = True, blocking_timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): """ :param timeout: indicates a maximum life for the lock. By default, it will remain locked until :meth:`release` is called. ``timeout`` can be specified as a float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait. :param sleep: indicates the amount of time to sleep per loop iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is currently holding the lock. :param blocking: indicates whether calling :meth:`acquire` should block until the lock has been acquired or to fail immediately, causing :meth:`acquire` to return ``False`` and the lock not being acquired. Defaults to ``True``. :param blocking_timeout: indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds to spend trying to acquire the lock. A value of ``None`` indicates continue trying forever. ``blocking_timeout`` can be specified as a :class:`float` or :class:`int`, both representing the number of seconds to wait. """ self.client: Union[Redis[AnyStr], RedisCluster[AnyStr]] = client = name self.timeout = timeout self.sleep = sleep self.blocking = blocking self.blocking_timeout = blocking_timeout self.local = contextvars.ContextVar[Optional[StringT]]("token", default=None) if self.timeout and self.sleep > self.timeout: raise LockError("'sleep' must be less than 'timeout'") async def __aenter__( self, ) -> LuaLock[AnyStr]: if await self.acquire(): return self raise LockAcquisitionError("Could not acquire lock") async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: await self.release()
[docs] async def acquire( self, ) -> bool: """ Use :rediscommand:`SET` with the ``NX`` option to acquire a lock. If the lock is being used with a cluster client the :meth:`coredis.RedisCluster.ensure_replication` context manager will be used to ensure that the command was replicated to atleast half the replicas of the shard where the lock would be acquired. :raises: :exc:`~coredis.exceptions.LockError` """ token = uuid.uuid1().hex blocking = self.blocking blocking_timeout = self.blocking_timeout stop_trying_at = None if blocking_timeout is not None: stop_trying_at = time.time() + blocking_timeout while True: if await self.__acquire(token, stop_trying_at): self.local.set(token) return True if not blocking: return False if stop_trying_at is not None and time.time() > stop_trying_at: return False await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep)
[docs] async def release(self) -> None: """ Releases the already acquired lock :raises: :exc:`~coredis.exceptions.LockReleaseError` """ expected_token = self.local.get() if expected_token is None: raise LockReleaseError("Cannot release an unlocked lock") self.local.set(None) await self.__release(expected_token)
[docs] async def extend(self, additional_time: float) -> bool: """ Adds more time to an already acquired lock. :param additional_time: can be specified as an integer or a float, both representing the number of seconds to add. :raises: :exc:`~coredis.exceptions.LockExtensionError` """ if self.local.get() is None: raise LockExtensionError("Cannot extend an unlocked lock") if self.timeout is None: raise LockExtensionError("Cannot extend a lock with no timeout") return await self.__extend(additional_time)
@property def replication_factor(self) -> int: """ Number of replicas the lock needs to replicate to, to be considered acquired. """ if isinstance(self.client, RedisCluster): return math.ceil(self.client.num_replicas_per_shard / 2) return 0 async def __acquire(self, token: StringT, stop_trying_at: Optional[float]) -> bool: if isinstance(self.client, RedisCluster): try: replication_wait = ( 1000 * (max(0, stop_trying_at - time.time())) if stop_trying_at is not None else 100 ) with self.client.ensure_replication( self.replication_factor, timeout_ms=int(replication_wait) ): return await self.client.set(, token, condition=PureToken.NX, px=int(self.timeout * 1000) if self.timeout else None, ) except ReplicationError: warnings.warn( f"Unable to ensure lock {!r} was replicated " f"to {self.replication_factor} replicas", category=RuntimeWarning, ) await self.client.delete([]) return False else: return await self.client.set(, token, condition=PureToken.NX, px=int(self.timeout * 1000) if self.timeout else None, ) async def __release(self, expected_token: StringT) -> None: if not bool( await self.lua_release( self.client,, expected_token, ) ): raise LockReleaseError("Cannot release a lock that's no longer owned") async def __extend(self, additional_time: float) -> bool: additional_time = int(additional_time * 1000) if additional_time < 0: return True if not bool( await self.lua_extend( self.client,, cast(AnyStr, self.local.get()), additional_time, ) ): raise LockExtensionError("Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned") return True